Loan Agency

The intense deleveraging in the banking sector through tighter regulation, coupled with more stringent lending standards since the financial crisis, has opened a window of opportunity for non-bank direct lenders who now make up over 85% of the middle market.

Asset managers such as Business Development Companies (BDCs), Private Equity (PE) firms, and Hedge Funds have been filling the gap left by banks.

The challenge these asset managers now face is a cost controlled, productive, and streamlined solution for loan servicing operations, allowing them to focus on their core competency – origination.

Argent Institutional Trust Company (formerly TMI Trust) has spent the past 25 years developing an accountable and consistent loan agency service model to provide direct lending asset managers with the operational capacity and expertise necessary to support their growing loan portfolios.


  • Loan Agent
  • Collateral Agent
  • Administration Agent


  • Term Loans
  • Revolving Credit Lines
  • Mezzanine Loans
  • Capital Leasing
  • Bi-lateral Loans
  • Club Deals
  • Broadly Syndicated

For additional information:

New Business Contacts

Michael Weber

Managing Director


Tom Caruth


